Saturday, December 29, 2018

Thankful Thursday: A Life In Pursuit of Pretty




As I seek to create a calming oasis in my home, my husband reminds me that I am outnumbered (1 female, 2 males in our home). Even so, we all want the same thing from our home: to find a tranquil place for ourselves, and make that place as beautiful as possible.

  At the moment, my "space" exists only in my dreams as our house walls are being stripped of wallpaper and re-sheet -rocked. The room in my dreams has a cushy, plush chair for reading, a collection of soft sea-shore type prints on the wall, and fresh hydrangeas or roses daily.

 I.Will.Get.There! Until then, I will keep learning many easy ways to bring a "little pretty" into my life. My teachers are my friends, church sisters, family members, and creative women who write decorating magazines.

I recently visited a friend who lives in Philadelphia. Simone has turned every surface of her home into a chance to showcase something beauiful and useful (from shapely french jars where she stores flour and sugar, to the vintage chandelier over her bed). Did I mention that she does it all on a shoestring? Simone's kitchen tablecloth is Dollar-a-Yard Burlap, but it looks like a million bucks. She says she never knows where or when inspiration for decorating will strike.

  Thriftiness is essential for my family these days. I love to draw beauty out of the humblest objects! I use the backs of  junk mail envelopes to scribble quotes or decorating sketches on, stapling the papers together and making "inspiration notebooks." I currently have several of these journals going. I love to constantly dabble and tweak my accessories, pulling things together and moving things around in the house.

  Mike says my style is one of a tumbled-down French Chateau. Well, maybe, but I would say the house of my future is a romantic mix of old-world French and Italian influences, from a New Jersey Shore perspective.

And I am so grateful to Mike for helping me to make this happen.  He does not care if we live in a cardboard box... does not give a lick about decorating.  And yet he allows me to go wild with my colors and decor.

And so, on this Thankful Thursday, I shall Thank God for Mike, our Home, and our Future together

Monday, November 26, 2018

In Everything, Be Thankful!

for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
I Thessalonians 5:18

As I go about the cottage, making ready

 the things I would like to be

decorating my home for our

Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner,

I am mindful of the scriptures which

command us to strive to

demonstrate a grateful heart.

“And the Lord,
He it is that doth go before thee;
He will be with thee,
 He will not fail thee,
neither forsake thee:
fear not, neither be dismayed.

Deuteronomy 31:8

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Lyrics I Repeat on Days like this...

 I will challenge myself to the following:
That I will become so
strong in Jesus that nothing
can disturb my Peace of Mind,

That I will talk Health,
Happiness, & Eternal Life 
 to every person that I meet,

 That I will make all my friends
 feel that there is
“something very special”
in them,

· That I will think only of the Best, expect only the Best, & be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own success,

· That I will forget the mistakes of the past, and press on to greater achievements of the future,
· That I will wear a cheerful countenance at all times, & give every living creature that I meet a smile,

· That I will give so much time to the improvement of myself that I have NO time to criticize others,

· That I will be too calm and stable for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, & too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

These are my goals.
This is my Scripture for which I aim my life
25She is clothed with strength and dignity,
and laughs at the days to come.*
26She opens her mouth in wisdom;
kindly instruction is on her tongue.
27She watches over* the affairs of her household,
and does not eat the bread of idleness.
28Her children rise up and call her blessed;
her husband, too, praises her:
29“Many are the women of proven worth,
but you have excelled them all.”
30Charm is deceptive and beauty fleeting;
the woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.*
31Acclaim her for the work of her hands,
and let her deeds praise her at the city gates.
From Proverbs 31

Friday, September 28, 2018

Come for a Dress Up Tea Party


 My Creative, Talented sister, Natalie and I decided it was time to treat our darling friends who happen to be young ladies to a Real Tea Party.  It began with a session in her upstairs bedroom, included a Fashion Show, and ended with all kinds of delectable yummies. 

Each participant chose a hat to round out the outfit

Pick a necklace and some jewelry

 Special touches included new pillows and a pink quilt to make the event even more special.
I LOVE this lovely Quilt, made by an Amish lady in Lancaster, PA

Heart Shaped Bells ring upon each entrance
to the Front Door to signal
that it was time
for another Welcoming

 Toile Curtains embellished with hearts for the Sweet Hearts

The Chocolate Fountain was so unique, and the most popular food selection.
This was a Buffet of Fruit, Marshmallows, and Cookies to dip into the

 A Picture of my sister's Dining Room.  I love her Chair on the wall décor!  She has no fear when it comes to creative ideas!

And here is some more of The Food:

Fruity Punch

Of Course, we HAD to serve Cucumber Sandwiches!
Rice Crispie Treats are a
little girl's favorite

Dreamy Party Food

The Fashion Show-

After Dressing up, each girl was announced and descended down the steps into the parent-filled Living Room.  We cheered them on, and they felt treasured.   It was the highlight of my day to see the smiles and pride on each young lady's face.

Little ones added colors and sugar to plain
sugar cookies.

The day was exciting and the girls enjoyed the experience to the brink.

Monday, August 20, 2018

The Work Ethic: How to Pass It On

As children get older, it's important to discuss the meaning and purpose of diligent efforts. Make it clear that jobs are not done for drudgery's sake, but to create value, make a profit, or serve people, or even a greater good. Kids need to learn that there is a purpose to all of this -- that doing a job well makes one a better person and enhances character and value in others’ eyes, and in God’s eyes. One way parents can start this discussion with their kids is by sharing their own work experiences -- good and bad -- and talk about the lessons learned and how they were shaped by those experiences.  If parents can show kids how work contributes to the family's well-being, children will be more positive about chores

My Mother made a to-do list of daily or weekly household jobs and posted it on the Kitchen wall.  We did not have choices, we HAD to do what was assigned, or there would be a price to pay.  In our home, we don't let the kids opt out. But giving kids a choice of chores does help make work more tolerable.  Adding incentives can sometimes actually make work fun.
Contests –( i.e.,  for Fastest Room-Cleaner or Best at Vacuuming) -- get kids more involved, as do rewards.  Going out to a favorite park or restaurant, renting a movie, or inviting friends for sleepovers are just a few ways that parents can reward hard work.
In real life, work isn't always fun -- sometimes the boss isn't fair, customers are rude, and hours at work seem to drag by. Expect kids to complain a bit about their jobs. Let them vent -- in fact, encourage it. After all, adults sometimes gripe about their jobs too. But be ready to offer encouragement, and let the children know that hard work isn’t always supposed to be great fun, or even enjoyable, although it can be enjoyable!
Kids learn good work habits when the parents walk the walk. That means showing kids that work is part of a balanced, healthy life. For example, in our family, we have taken on second jobs, worked overtime, and even worked for free at times in our lives.  Our son has observed these times, and has discovered that doing extra work to get ahead sometimes can be beneficial, if it does not take priority over the family consistently.  We talk regularly about chosing a career or life work that you love.  We talk about education, earning potential in certain jobs, and about improving your life through work choices.  We are sure to emphasize that it is NOT always about making The Most Money, or about Buying Things.  But the fact is that at least one person in our son’s future family will need to earn an income, so we want him to be clear on the options. 

Kids will not always do their tasks well. But we muxt resist the urge to step in and take over. If the child fails to water the plant, it may be helpful in the longrun to let it wilt. If children have trouble on a job (or even get fired)  because they fail to show up on time or do the job correctly, don't make excuses for them. Let them learn that their actions or inactions have consequences. Talk about what happened, and ask them what they can do to keep from repeating the mistake.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Stealing Precious Moments...

Lord, teach me to embrace wild-eyed days like this with your gentle grace
 and understanding
that you ordain every step of my path and moment of my day.
Help me to set aside the anxiousness and
 falling into a frenzy
 and the stress that results from leaning on myself
 and not You.