Monday, March 21, 2016

Snow and baby squirrels...

This Snow!   It is just so beautiful, especially at night!

Tonight we were at the Dinner Table, looking up Bible verses about snow...  this was one of our favorites:
 "His appearance was like lightning, and his clothing white as snow."  -Matthew 28:3 (this verse is describing the angel that rolled away the stone from Jesus's tomb)

We found a baby squirrel and B wanted to rescue it... It was so tame, but of course we could not keep it.  The little guy had NO Fear of Humans.
We found a baby squirrel and Kimba  wanted to rescue it... It was so tame, but of course we could not keep it. The little guy had NO Fear of Humans.

He is the great I AM! John 18:6 is so glorious to my soul, when He said that they fell to the ground! One day every knee will bow. He is Worthy!

  • Tracy Scribner Nicks Wow! A baby squirrel! My best friend had a pet squirrel growing up. Was it in your backyard?
  • Blue BerryCottage Yes, very cold and left there or fell out of its nest, I don't know. We bundled it up in a cardboard box with a lamp for warmth, placed it near a warm wall outside last night. The baby was gone this morning. We prayed his mommy would come looking for him.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Anchor HOLDS

I am reminding myself to keep my eyes on my LORD at all times, especially in the midst of today’s trial.  My son seems to be intent on pulling more “sticks” in school today than any other student.  I just hung up the phone after speaking to his sweet teacher.  Am I the only mother who feels like I am living  a “sink-or-swim” experience?   Funny how my Bible reading was about Peter this morning!  (Matthew 14:30) “But seeing the wind, he became afraid, & beginning to SINK, he cried out, saying, ‘Lord, save me!”
I think of how I react when I find myself in the midst of “storm.”   As I hung up the phone, did I focus only on the circumstances (and drown), or did I look to Jesus, the Commander of all the storms of Life?  Today-glory to God, I kept my eyes on my LORD.  I pray that He will build in me a faith that will overcome the most horrendous storms.  Today I kept my head above water and learned to be the kind of mother that HE wants me to be. 
My Prayer Today:
Precious Savior- Keep on showing me HOPE.  Build my faith.  Help me overcome doubts and trust in YOU.  And help my son to become a righteous and faithful servant of yours.
  In Jesus Name, Amen.