Sunday, January 8, 2012

Excellence, and not PERFECTIONISM!

“And after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His Eternal Glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.” (I Peter 5:10).
I can’t wait for "That Day", because I am so hopelessly flawed.
The other day I had a small patch of flaky skin frozen off, and the Dermatologist diagnosed Pre-cancerous skin on the top of my lip. I look very much like Nanny McFee, with what looks like a HUGE discolored and conspicuous mole to the left of my upper lip. I yearn for the Return of Christ, & I hope the rumors are correct about 2012 (that the Rapture will occur some time this year... but then, I know it really won't because of what Jesus said about "no man knoweth" ... ).     I am striving to be ready, but I am way far from perfect! And will be until I receive my resurrection-body! But I try not to beat myself up about it. I must move forward in His Grace. Sometimes I find it difficult to forgive myself, especially if I handled some essential discipline in the wrong way, or failed my husband somehow. But, miraculously, my husband and son still think I am pretty special! They are like my Father, God… gracious in all of my shortcomings. I am so glad that God is working to perfect us. HE sees us through much different eyes than we see ourselves. We see weakness, He sees strength, we see failure, He sees victories. We see unattractiveness, He sees beauty.
Little humble tree we used for our Christmas this year:  "Imperfection"

My Prayer today-
Precious God,
Please give Me the Grace to accept my shortcomings with dignity. Please keep my reaching for High Standards, but keep me from the Trap of Perfectionism!
In Jesus Name,

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