Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Imperishable Wreath


“And everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things

 They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable.”

 –I Corinthians 9:25

  New Year’s Day: 
     Tonight Mike and I took an Hour as we do every new year to reflect on the old and make plans for the new...
 to plan the coming year's strategy for our family mission.

 Sometimes, Mike said, he feels like we compete in a marathon in this life.  We are not only runners, but trainers, as we teach our children how to run so they will not become winded, and not retreat to the sidelines of defeat in life.  Every moment that is ticking away is potential training time.  In evaluating 2013, we are looking at how many hours we have spent together as a family per day. 

In those hours that we are together, how many minutes are spent in training our son in the
ways of the Lord? 

What about in Scripture?

 Godly Values? 

We are resolved to improve in these areas in 2014! 
Investing this kind of time and instilling these principles will equip our kid to cope with life. If you know him at all, you know that our son will surely run many of his own long races.

 This morning, Mike and I prayed for wisdom to adjust our schedules this coming year to spend even more time with "B."  We asked the Father God to show us how to best instill biblical principles that will ultimately take him across “the finish line,” and into Christ’s Kingdom!


Romans 12:2“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and Perfect.”
  • Gayelynn Quigley likes this.
  • Natalie Anne Acri That was the best one ever
  • Blue BerryCottage Well thank you! I have some Coconut Delight to drop off at your house after Services tonight. Love you xoxoxox
  • Natalie Anne Acri You are my big sister Dawn, my calm in the insanity, where when you know the Joes not here and just sit with me . I wish everyone knew how special you are!  Thank you for being my best friend,pray for me.

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