As I seek to create a calming oasis in my home, my husband reminds me that I am outnumbered (1 female, 2 males in our home). Even so, we all want the same thing from our home: to find a tranquil place for ourselves, and make that place as beautiful as possible.
At the moment, my "space" exists only in my dreams as our house walls are being stripped of wallpaper and re-sheet -rocked. The room in my dreams has a cushy, plush chair for reading, a collection of soft sea-shore type prints on the wall, and fresh hydrangeas or roses daily.
I.Will.Get.There! Until then, I will keep learning many easy ways to bring a "little pretty" into my life. My teachers are my friends, church sisters, family members, and creative women who write decorating magazines.
I recently visited a friend who lives in Philadelphia. Simone has turned every surface of her home into a chance to showcase something beauiful and useful (from shapely french jars where she stores flour and sugar, to the vintage chandelier over her bed). Did I mention that she does it all on a shoestring? Simone's kitchen tablecloth is Dollar-a-Yard Burlap, but it looks like a million bucks. She says she never knows where or when inspiration for decorating will strike.

Thriftiness is essential for my family these days. I love to draw beauty out of the humblest objects! I use the backs of junk mail envelopes to scribble quotes or decorating sketches on, stapling the papers together and making "inspiration notebooks." I currently have several of these journals going. I love to constantly dabble and tweak my accessories, pulling things together and moving things around in the house.
Mike says my style is one of a tumbled-down French Chateau. Well, maybe, but I would say the house of my future is a romantic mix of old-world French and Italian influences, from a New Jersey Shore perspective.

And I am so grateful to Mike for helping me to make this happen. He does not care if we live in a cardboard box... does not give a lick about decorating. And yet he allows me to go wild with my colors and decor.

And so, on this Thankful Thursday, I shall Thank God for Mike, our Home, and our Future together.
1 comment:
Your house is shaping up... I can't wait to see how it looks when you announce the Final Stages! I know it will take awhile. But I also know you will get there. You are a great decorator. I love reading about and seeing your ideas and projects. I love you!
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