Monday, July 29, 2013

Boys, Boys, Boys & NO Videogame Weekend Challenge

Friday evening was easy, because we spent the evening
at the local Swimming pool, then cooked out and bedtime

Saturday Morning brought pleas for gaming,
which I dislike intensely.
I challenged them to find other activities
They put together puzzles, helped me bake a chocolate cake,
Set a beautiful Table for Dinner, Wrote encouraging notes to
some folks who needed to receive such, and
made Warm Fuzzy Jars for themselves.

The hours flew by and we had a marvelous time.
We listened to "Lamplighter Theatre" (Teddy's Button Story)
and cut flowers, making an arrangement. 
I know some of these activities were "girly"
but they really seemed to enjoy them,

When their parents arrived to take them home,
I thought we might hear some complaints,
but they exclaimed that they had a Blast!

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