Thursday, August 1, 2013

All Abloom at Blue Willow

In the garden of Blue Willow Cottage lies a rich harvest of creativity.

Our gentle riot of flowers and herbs yield charming watercolor-like dishes and sumptuous potpourris for later in the year. 

Our Garden is the very center of the wheel of our summer life!.  We love mixing flowers, herbs, and vegetables together in the garden.  Some flowers are meant for fresh bouquets, others are destined to be dried for wreaths, gift embellishing, or for potpourri.


 I love to research ancient lore and symbolism behind each plant and herb we choose to plant.  

We have little pocket gardens along the rocky ledge in the alley at the side of our cottage home. 

Serving Colorful meals using things grown
in my own backyard
makes me happy.
We enjoy creating new omelets recipes, casseroles, and flavorful meals using our harvest from the garden.

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