Dear Diary,
Today I finally got a home! It was Nana Kate's home! I purred like crazy. I saw that there was this cupcake that Mia gave to Nonna Kate. It looked like me, long hair, and very Royal. Nonna Kate said that it would feel like her Birthday. When she said that, I purred even louder. That was Awesome. And I love this new home of mine.
This is Mom-ER, Biffidoodles, and Theodoodles
Dear Diary,
Today I was given away by my owner, Abbey because she could not take care of me, since she was moving. Abbey gave me to Mia Battelli, who loves to foster cats. I was only going to be there pet until I found the right home. I felt sad without my home and my Abbey. But Mia just couldn't get the hang of doing my Royal things properly, like when she got my hairbrush stuck in a knot under my Tummy. I still like Mia, anyways, because she doesn't talk and yell loud.
Here is Biff and Kimba resting in the chair
Dear Diary,
This morning I saw some very fresh bacon. I wanted it, but all I got was cat food. I didn't want cat food. The bacon smelled so good. So I jumped up on the table, but Mia's Mom said, "Scat, your own food is over there!" She pointed to the cat food. They were not sharing the yummy bacon, so I walked away. I didn't really think it was my style to eat cat food. I wanted something rich tasting, not animal food. I wanted to taste real meat, and not just something dry made by humans. I felt mad at Mia's Mom, and was jealous of Mia's family. I hope tomorrow they will feed me better.
Here is Theodore resting happily
Dear Diary,
Today it was Mia's Birthday Party. She said that I had to go to Nana Kate's room in the apartment. I loved it there, I got good grooming, good scratching, and Nana Kate knew everything about doing things that I liked. I just stayed on that sofa on her lap until Mia got back. It was so comfortable, like a human back rub. It was as if I was in Heaven. It was good that she knew without even thinking, she just took a lucky guess, and what she did was making me feel great! Once in a while I just heard one really loud, excited scream from the back of the apartment. I had my ears up, but then I relaxed again. Today was exhilarating!
There is Mad Biff after he went to see Santa Claus
Dear Diary,
Today I finally got a home! It was Nana Kate's home! I purred like crazy. I saw that there was this cupcake that Mia gave to Nonna Kate. It looked like me, long hair, and very Royal. Nonna Kate said that it would feel like her Birthday. When she said that, I purred even louder. That was Awesome. And I love this new home of mine.
These are Cat Cookies for a Party
Dear Diary,
My cats are very nice, and I love to care from them. We will have very many adventures together. And I would like to say that they have been a very good help to me.
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