When we first started to pursue parenthood, a very wise, "mature" friend advised Mike and I to make our priority to "Start with the End in Mind" when it came to our Childrearing Practices. Happily, we have done just this, and have offered our son many Lessons: Important Investments of time and information. This week is no exception. For a reason not known to me, 'B' has an unquenchable interest in Slavery, and in the Civil Rights movement currently. We went to the Public Library, borrowing and devouring the following:

Rosa Park's Story told from the voice a young boy on the bus.

Another captivating story about the truth which occurred at Woolworth’s lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina

Even I cannot image a world that forbids swimming in the same pool together, what was the point?
Even in revisiting these issues myself, it is my joy to observe our wonderful lad, to actually watch his face and see his eyes as he learns about the good and the bad in our Country's History. I love that I am here with him as he discovers some of these issues. I love how we can talk about how the LORD allowed these inequities, just as HE allowed other unfair events in the Biblical times. I trust we are building a Foundation upon which future Terrors and Happenings will be filtered through the Colander of past events (hashed and re-hashed in our home as our family discusses such occurrences). If you are reading this and are a Mother, don't settle for less. Don't spend endless hours on your cell phone, or online. Go get some good material and EXPLORE! SHARE. TALK. Argue if necessary. Just do it. You will never regret the investment.

I cherish these times.
I pray that they will last long after the boy can fit on my lap