Sunday, August 31, 2014

Images of Summer

 “I have way too much time on my hands these days.”

 -Said no Mother EVER!!

"What is life?  It is the flash of a firefly in the night"


"Life is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime.
 It is the little shadow which runs across
 the grass and loses itself in the sunset."

 -- Crowfoot the Indian

"There is more to life than Increasing Its Speed."

 - Gandhi

I will never regret a n afternoon
picnicing with children" - Dawn

"We had mighty good weather
as a general thing, and nothing ever happened
to us at all."

- Mark Twain

"There is absolutely no reason for being rushed
along with the rush!
 Everybody should be free to go very slowly."

Robert Frost

"Life, itself is the proper binge."

-Julia Childs
And when the rain beats against my window pane,
I'll think of summer days again,
and dream of you..."

-Chad Jeremy

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Summer Bliss: Paradise Reclaimed

My Bliss is reading in the Garden...  barefooted, swinging on the swing in the backyard watching the children make fairy forts, and sipping Iced Lemonade with fresh mint garnishes. 


I find myself acting more like a child in these settings, feeling carefree and relaxed.  I call this feeling "Bliss,"  and my summer is full of it. 

It is in the Summer Season that my hankering for the casual lifestyle is strongest, but I also delight in the pretty. 



My cottage fresh style is never so carefree as in Summer, with fresh flowers straight from the garden, white tablecloths, with white sparkly lights, and candles on the picnic table on the back deck. 

I find it exciting to drift beautifully into well-mannered "rooms" in my garden during the sultry evening hours of summer. 

Of course, there is the Play Room in the middle of the Grassy Knoll of the Back Yard,
which is always abuzz with crazy activity

Making Little Forts out of the Bushes in the Back Yard

Children making forts and decorating them with flowers

This was the front porch including a "Weather Station"

Decorating with Rose of Sharon Blooms
Playing "House"

Picnics in the Sun

Memories are made of this...

“Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery that it is. In the boredom and pain of it, no less than in the excitement and gladness: touch, taste, smell your way to the Whole and Hidden Heart of your life, because in the last analysis, all moments are Key Moments, and Life itself Is Grace.”

-Frederico Bucherno, 1854


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Books I am currently Reading

"Managers of their Schools " by Steve and Teri Maxwell

"Journeys in Faithfulness" by Sarah Clarks
Mary and Martha. Mary, mother of Jesus. Their stories reveal how Almighty God can reach into the life of an ordinary girl and, through her love and obedience, bring His beauty and grace to bear in this world. Celebrate the sacrifice and courage that made these women the heroines they are with this collection of inspirational stories and devotions. In Journeys of Faithfulness, author Sarah Clarkson explores their paths of faith while challenging today's young woman to reach higher and go deeper in her relationship with Jesus Christ by choosing well and staying the course in her walk with God. A wonderful gift for mothers and their daughters! Recommended for ages 12 and up.

The Book of Acts

And Here is one for summer reading:

Godly, children's reading books can be hard to find, but your search is over. The Moody Family Series are fiction books about a homeschool family. Each book is a wonderful read that will leave you anticipating the sequel!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Good Old Days

Photo: Just found this card Mike gave me years ago... how far he has come!  I was always on my toes back then... kept me HOPPING!
Just found this card Mike gave me years ago...
how far he has come! 
I was always on my toes back then...
kept me HOPPING!