Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
The Bridal Shower
We had a little shower for a new Bride at Church |
I brought in Mike's Grandmother's Vanity and we decorated the Fellowship hall like a New Bride's Bedroom |
The Food was marvelous! |
Jill was our most excellent Hostess |
Setting up the Fondue (Chocolate, of Course) |
Playing Bridal Shower Games |
The Bride and Bridesmaid read cards at the end of the Shower |
Miss Ann |
Transforming the Fellowship Hall |
Games with Carla M |
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Wednesdays with Blaine: I invented a Cat Swing
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
The Legend of St. Valentine
Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children;
and walk in love,
just as Christ also loved you
—Ephesians 5:1-2
The tradition of expressing affection to those we hold dear actually precedes the legend of St. Valentine sending violets to his fiancee in the mouth of a dove from his prison cell. The greatest act of love in history is the Gift of God’s Son—the Gift of Eternal Life. Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice to demonstrate His love for us! When I thought about this, REALLY wrapped my mind around the vast and profound nature of Such Love, I realized that I will never again feel unloved!
I am trying to be an “Imitator of God.” That means that I will know how to love more purely than others, perhaps. Maybe it means to love like a child, purely and without any experience of hurt. Little children never put limits on their love. I have learned much from observing them. I remember when Blaine was about 11 months old, how excited and enthusiastic he would become when his Daddy came home from work. Mike always came in and made a big fuss over the little guy. He would grab him up and hug him and take him outside to do guy stuff (walk the dog, take a ride on the four-wheeler, go and visit Mr. Dave our elderly neighbor) while I put the finishing touches on our dinner. I cherish the memories of those days.
Unfortunately, now Blaine has been taught to put certain conditions on love. I suspect he learned it mostly from me, but maybe some of it came from school and other places. But he can also re-learn from me, if I teach him the way God intended. In commanding us to be “imitators of God,” and to “walk in love,” we should diligently strive to love unconditionally, just as God does. Actually, Blaine does this better than I. For me, achieving this kind of love is tough. Loving is a process, and it takes time to learn to really love. I want to learn to make “Unconditional Loving” the way of life in our home. I love to just meditate on the way Jesus treated people. I am making a concerted effort to teach our son to be an “imitator of Christ.” The Bible teaches that it will be one of the greatest gifts I can give to him. On this day of love, my we all pursue the act unconditional loving as Christ loved us.
My Prayer this Valentine’s Day:
My Creator and the Lord of Love,
Thank You for sending Your Son as a Gift of Your love.
May my husband, son and all those around me
experience unconditional love in me,
as I have experienced it in You.
Please help me to walk in love,
and show me how I can teach Blaine and others to do the same.
In Your Son Jesus’ Holy Name.
Monday, February 13, 2012
"The saint who is intimate with Jesus
will never leave impressions of herself,
but only the impression that Jesus is having
an unhindered way, because the last abyss
of her nature has been satisfied by Him."
--------- Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest♥
Thursday, February 9, 2012
the Strong Willed Child
Blaine has been gifted with a strong will for years, really since he was two years old, but the past three weeks they have become very challenging for us. I have struggled with pride (I haughtily call it humiliation) and frustration when this strong will rears its ugly head, especially in public. The Lord is so good and has blessed us with a fantastic teacher and dear friend at School, and she tells me he is doing well at school. But at home, sometimes.... well.... I can see the Lord growing Blaine through this. Mike & I pray, seeking our Heavenly Father's will and help, and when Blaine is struggling with wanting his way, (bless his heart) afterwards, he just cries in repentance for his impulsive actions. And then we pray again. The Lord is so faithful. When Blaine is repentant, he will ask "Mommy, why does this happen? Why can't I just obey the first time?" We have talked about how through this the Lord is always with him, and loves him so much-- and how through suffering and struggles, our God is still good -- and has a purpose even though we don't understand. Also how every time we suffer it leads our hearts to think of the cross, and how our merciful Savior endured suffering beyond our understanding. And how as a Mother- I wish I could go through it for him, but the Lord needs for Blaine to grow and learn and to go through this with Jesus himself... In the end it will give him the ability to understand and comfort others later in his life.
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You are my hiding place and my shield; I HOPE in your Word. 119:14 |
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Wednesdays with Blaine: Friends visit from Arkansas!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Short cuts – There are many shortcuts to parenting… like leaving all the training to teachers at school, or babysitters, but we must not be tempted to take these detours. The Israelites were released from captivity under Pharaoh’s cruel hand, and they were very anxious to go to the Promised Land. But the quickest way was not God’s best way...
“Now it came about when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God did not lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines, even though it was near; for God said, ‘Lest the people change their minds when they see war, and they return to Egypt.” (Exodus 13:17).
I want to keep on building my faith in God, and my son’s faith in his Lord, so that when we are called to battle, we both will be able to defend ourselves and our beliefs. Let us all keep our eyes on God, and skip those short cuts. Faster isn’t necessarily better, though the world will tell you differently.
Prayer for Today:
“Oh My God, Help me to look to You for direction
as I parent this action-packed tornado of a boy.
I want to take the paths that You have mapped out for me.
Help me not to be tempted by the short-cuts of the world
. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
deeds rich
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Wednesdays with Blaine: My fish tank
This is my fish tank, with polymers in it, too
Polymers are absorbant things that I like to experiment with. They can
grow up to 13 times the size they were when they were dry.
Polymers are absorbant things that I like to experiment with. They can
grow up to 13 times the size they were when they were dry.
Feathering Our Nest...
People have often suggested that I was born in the wrong century. I do consider myself to be a very "old-fashioned" woman. I love filling our home with romantic, elegant things... from Battenburg lace tablecloths to vintage dishes. I aquire most of these treasures at flea markets, garage sales, or receive them as gifts from those who know me very well.
As I personalize our "new" home wih fabric, paint, and more love than money, I seek a time-worn cozy look more than a modern style. I have collected antique linens and vintage items since I was 18 years old, and I find the touch of romance they bring to our home to be incredibly beautiful. Expert decorators agree that time-worn linens are a luxury we all should enjoy every day. White is one of my favorite decorating colors. Using a great deal of white is relaxed and easy, because things do not have to match perfectly. I love odd pieces that work well together in our home.
I have a real passion for french toile, it is so interesting and classic. I plan to make balloon curtains for our Living Room in Toile material.
As I personalize our "new" home wih fabric, paint, and more love than money, I seek a time-worn cozy look more than a modern style. I have collected antique linens and vintage items since I was 18 years old, and I find the touch of romance they bring to our home to be incredibly beautiful. Expert decorators agree that time-worn linens are a luxury we all should enjoy every day. White is one of my favorite decorating colors. Using a great deal of white is relaxed and easy, because things do not have to match perfectly. I love odd pieces that work well together in our home.
I have a real passion for french toile, it is so interesting and classic. I plan to make balloon curtains for our Living Room in Toile material.
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